When I finished undergrad, I thought I had a pretty reasonable idea of my (very tentative!) plans for the next few years- intern, then find a job in Washington DC, live at home for a while, then eventually find my own apartment in the DC area, just as so many of my friends and classmates have done before me. Figure out adulthood for a few years, then think about grad school. Simple enough, right?
Around Christmas I applied for a few internship opportunities, all relating to the same branch of government. Possibly naively, I had half-assumed I had a better chance of being considered for the positions based in DC, rather than the particular internship in New York that felt ever so slightly less attainable.
Apparently, I assumed incorrectly, because in late January, I got a call offering me an interview, and within a week, I was offered the internship! Less than a month later, this became my new view.....
Honestly, while this is temporary, I'm still pretty surprised, and more than a bit nervous, about working and living in a new city. I love New York- it's hardly my first time here, having visited through the years for ballet, Model UN, and just with family- but I hadn't anticipated living here, unless you count the very much idealized New York dream life that so many 20-something girls have! Needless to say, this is an amazing opportunity to help start my career, which I'm very grateful to have, no matter how nerve wracking it may be!
(Side note- I can't get over the fact that I just used the word "career" without speaking of my dream job farther down the line. When did I become adult enough for this? Who let this happen? Help!?!?)
This has been my second week at my new internship, which has been going well so far, knock on wood. Of course, I'm looking for new ideas to fill up my free time and weekends, and to write about here, so if you have any New York must-do items aside from anything very touristy, I'd love to hear your suggestions!
Just a little obsessed with the townhouses along my walk to work!
So here's to new challenges, routinely getting lost in Manhattan, too much coffee, and of course, appreciating this crazy opportunity I've been thrown!
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